Labrador Retrievers are the Most Popular Breed in America

Time magazine reported that Labrador Retrievers have been the most popular breed in America for the last 26 years. Jess Bolluyt gives 17 reasons why Labrador Retrievers are the most popular breed in America. Here are some of our favorites that make labs great family dogs:

  1. They are intelligent and highly trainable. Oh, yeah. Sometimes Platinum is too smart for her own good!

  2. Labs love children. Yes they do! Platinum loves wrestling with Hudson and she’s also great with our other kids.

  3. Labs live long and healthy lives. Platinum is certainly off to a good start on this front.

  4. Labs want to be helpful. They often become guide dogs or search and rescue dogs.

  5. Labs are playful, energetic, and adventurous. Oh, yes, they are.

  6. Labs are not picky eaters. Of course, that doesn’t mean you don’t want to feed your lab well! We feed Platinum Fromm Family Artisan dog food.

And, of course, as the AKC notes, labs are friendly: “The Lab’s temperament is a hallmark of the breed. He’s outgoing and friendly to humans and other dogs. Intelligent, trainable, and eager to please, it’s no wonder everyone likes him!…[Labs are the] the most loving and lovable canine companion anyone could ask for!”

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