Tips for Picking a Labrador Retriever Puppy

by Labalicious Pups

There 2 different styles of Labrador Retrievers - English and American. American Labrador’s are considered “working” or “field” dogs, and English Labrador’s are considered “show” Labradors. According to the The Complete Labrador Handbook by Linda Whitwam, American Labrador’s generally have “a lighter, leaner, slightly taller frame and longer leg and neck (proportionally) than a show [English] Lab, and looks more athletic. [They have] a lighter coat and a narrower head with a longer ‘snipe-like’ nose. The show (English) type has a more ‘chunky’ and powerful appearance, being wider and heavier. [They have] a thicker coat, thicker ‘otter-like’ tail, shorter muzzle and legs.” English labs have been bred to have a calmer disposition than American labs. According to Whitwam: English labs have to “be patient enough to wait for hours until it’s [time] to be inspected by the judge, and then to remain composed once inside the show ring…[English labs] may be more mellow and laid-back in nature, compared to a purely working Labrador.”

There are 3 different colors of Labrador Retrievers - Yellow, Black, and Brown.

There isn’t a significant difference in temperament between the three colors of Labrador Retrievers. On the other hand, there can be a significant difference in temperament between labs from different parents. According to The Complete Labrador Handbook: “The general consensus regarding colour is that, in terms of temperament, there is no real difference between the colours; the main factor is the temperament of the parents.”

Before you choose a breeder, take the time to meet them and their dogs in person. This will give you a sense for the temperament of the dogs and the breeder, and will allow you to see the environment in which your puppy will be raised prior to going home to you. Also, fake breeders and puppies-for-sale scams are becoming more and more common. Avoid being scammed by meeting your breeder and their dogs in person.